we have been busy getting ready to move to denver in a few days. actually we will go to gran and pawpaws house for christmas first. i keep talking to townsend about our new house and the long drive to try to help as much as possible with the transition. i'm sure he and possibly ellory notice all the boxes everywhere and all their toys slowly disappearing. now when i say we are getting ready to go to our new house, townsend says, "pawpaw." "yes, we will see pawpaw and then we are driving to our new house."
we are very blessed that townsend and ellory will be able to go to the preschool on monday morning while the moving van packs us up. that meant i didn't have to say goodbye to everyone on thursday when i picked them up. but i had to say goodbye to a few friends who won't be there on monday. i think i will lose it on monday as we drive away from alpharetta.
back to the kids though. last week we took marin in to the doctor and she had another ear infection. more antibiotics. she's definitely better but i hate that she keeps getting sick and has to take these drugs. she's still cruising around the furniture and now will take a couple of steps holding onto one of my hands.
ellory had her final evaluation by the physical therapist last week. she is impressed with how far she has come being that she has only been walking for 3 months. she gave us some things to work on to continue building muscle in her legs and abdominal area. and ellory actually seemed to enjoy her time at the session. she didn't cling to me the whole time!
townsend is sounding more and more like a little boy. speaking in longer phrases and sentences. understanding speech more and more. part of me loves it and part of me is sad that he is not my little baby boy so much. he still cracks us up at what he does after we close the door to his room for a nap or bedtime. this week we have found him sitting in bed with his entire collection of socks gathered around him. also, apparently he gets out of bed-which he is NOT supposed to do-and goes to his shelf, picks up a book and slides it under his door into the hall. we also think he has a mental checklist that he goes through after he lays down. whale? blankie? baby whale? monkey? duckie? towel? random sticker that i got at preschool and was on my shirt? wait! where's that sticker? "sticker! sticker! sticker!" fortunately i had not thrown the sticker away and when i heard him yelling i went and found it. i didn't even say a word to him. i just went in, put the sticker on his pajamas, he said night night and i was back out the door.