i guess i had been a little too proud of the fact that none of my kids had ever colored on the walls. on their bodies and faces-sure. but not on the walls. marin regularly eats any crayon she gets her hands on but "at least" she's never drawn on the walls. today when townsend went to his room for quiet time he asked for the crayons/markers and paper. i asked him if he was going to draw on his face. no. his arms and legs? no. his bed? no. his floor? no, mommy. the paper? yes, mommy. and so i let him be. an hour later i go in and this is what i find. i really was at a loss for words. i basically said, "this is not ok. you are in big trouble." and then i left. i'm sure that took care of the problem! still don't know what i should do. i'm sure the "magic eraser" will get it off in about 30 seconds. we'll see what daddy says when he gets home. :)
well, i finally did it. i got ellory's hair cut. despite protests from aunt susu. i love, love, love the long hair. but it had 2 layers and looked kinda shaggy most of the time. i trust that by trimming it to the same length it will continue to grow and look thicker and prettier. i meant to have a before and after pic but townsend and marin were being a little difficult at the salon and the gal started cutting before i remembered to get a pic. ellory sat fairly still but had a grumpy look on her face the whole time. she wasn't in a bad mood or anything. just being ellory. :)
last week we went with our friends jenna, zoe, and eli to chatfield state park. they have a beach there with sand and all. the water is only about 1-2 feet deep. i was a bit nervous about taking all three to the water. but jenna was a great help. and the kids ended up playing in the sand more than wanting to go in the water. i bought some arm swimmy thingies and as you can see from the picture of marin, they were a bit too large. poor thing couldn't move her arms! as soon as we had them on, marin started walking right out into the water. since there were lots of waves from all the people she pretty quickly fell over, went under, swallowed a big gulp and started crying. kinda scared me. that was about it for her water experience. townsend and ellory were a little more steady but near the end of our time ellory went out a little farther, stumbled and fell backwards. the arm things kept her from going under but she too got a little scared and came out. even though i'm not a big beach person, it was fun. and the kids had a great time. we'll have to take daddy next time. :)
so we finally got townsend's glasses. when the lady first put them on i thought they looked really large. didn't remember that from trying them on the previous week. i suppose they are still big but i guess we've gotten used to them now. for the first week he would take them off randomly and leave them on the ground. or on his bed. or somewhere that marin was sure to pick them up and break them. i found a band for them which goes around the back and i think that started helping and then about 4 days ago he seemed to get over the hump and just leaves them on all the time now. i don't know if he understands the concept of seeing more "clearly." if you ask him if he can see better he will say yes but i don't think he really understands what we're asking. but he looks pretty cute i think. of course.