Tuesday, November 18, 2008

home over a year

this was right after the attorney handed her to norton.

townsend was already in bed when we got home and marin was comfy and cozy in my tummy

we brought ellory home a little over a year ago. it seems like forever. we were waiting in our hotel room all day for her. the people kept saying they were going to be there in just a few minutes but it was more like hours. then, there she was. a beautiful little dark-haired chubby cheeked miracle. we didn't get many smiles out of her while we were in guatemala. in fact, she didn't smile much for weeks. it was quite the challenge. she also didn't really respond to sounds. we thought she had some hearing problems and had them tested. no problems. we think she just didn't get alot of attention, especially once she was in the orphanage. we visited the orphanage and it was very nice as orphanages go but very loud. i can imagine that one would just have to learn to block out the noise to get any sleep. she was a bit behind when it came to physical ability. about the only thing she could do when we got her was lay on her back. no rolling, no attempt at crawling-and she was 6 1/2 months old. but slowly and surely she has come along and at 17 months old finally decided she would try that walking thing. i still kinda laugh when i watch her because she has this frankenstein way of walking where she sways from side to side. :) right now she really loves her mommy. sometimes daddy. and she is starting to use more words and lots of nonwords. i love to watch her read out loud. she loves putting marin's leftover newborn diapers on her dolls. the teachers at preschool say she is very motherly. she is really the only one of the three who will cuddle with us for which i am very thankful. she is our precious ell bell. we are so thankful to be her parents.

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