Sunday, April 19, 2009

marin's 15 month check up

she may not have much hair, but she has the prettiest blue eyes ever! i think the pizza sauce helps set them off nicely, don't you?
she loves her daddy!
marin went in for her 15 month check up on thursday. i guess she is trying to catch up to big sis ellory because she had gained 4 pounds in the last 2 1/2 months and is now in the 90% for weight! she is still the 75% for height and 30% for head. poor little head. guess she takes after her grandpa steinke. :) i think i've mentioned it before but the girl loves to eat. veggies, not so much but pretty much anything else. the funny thing is, she doesn't look chubby or anything. marin has also been really increasing her vocabulary lately. to date we have, "daddy, mommy, bye-bye, hi, day-doo (thank you), melmo(elmo), gih(again)" and of course she understands tons more. you can ask her to get her sippy cup or blanket or toy and she will scuttle off and bring it back. her hair is slooooowly growing. it seems to be growing everywhere except the sides. i still get asked, "what is HIS name?" sigh. (especially when she is dressed in pink!) she is starting to show some of her mommy's stubborness. we can't keep her off the coffee table and she gets so mad everytime we put her back on the ground. we do this dance over and over and she just keeps trying to get back on the table. does not give up. my personal favorite thing that she has started doing is rocking on the couch. she throws herself full force back and forth, back and forth. makes a momma proud. (in case you didn't know, i have been a rocker since my parents found me in my crib banging against the side as a baby.) well, just wanted to give an update on our little bear. we are so grateful to be her parents.

1 comment:

Jeannie said...

J - the kids look great
Almost like you can see them growing right before your eyes!
Love checking your blog!
My guys are getting toooooo big
in a couple weeks we will have 2 16 year olds and a 13 year old !!