Sunday, June 28, 2009

the farmer's market

yesterday morning we went to the cherry creek farmer's market. usually we take the double stroller for the girls and then townsend walks. this time, though, norton put marin in the backpack and townsend and ellory both walked. things were going just fine. we went all the way down the market. had some yummy breakfast. and were going back through to pick up some things we saw on the first run through. norton/marin and townsend were looking at some veggies or something and i took ellory to get a cookie sample right across the aisle. about 2 minutes went by. then norton comes up to me and says, "i thought townsend was with you. i don't have him." i'm sure every parent hears those words at some point. probably even more than once. but it was the first time for me and i hated them just as much as i thought i would. there were lots of people at this market. it seemed so loud. even when i called out his name it seemed as if the words didn't carry across the crowd. he's such a cute little boy-who wouldn't want to snatch him away? ellory and i started going one direction and norton went the other. i didn't completely freak out but i was praying fiercely. i just didn't know where to look. we turned around and went back towards where norton had gone. i guess i looked like someone who had lost a child because a lady coming towards me said, "he found him." THANK YOU LORD. he had gone all the way to the end of the market, where we had come in. a lady apparently saw him and started walking back with him towards where norton was looking. i tried not to overreact. just went and gave him a hug. but as we headed out i couldn't stop the tears from trickling down. now i understand why people put those leash things on kids. no, townsend. mommy will not do that to you. but i really want to. because i love you so so so much. you are our precious bubby.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

SOOOOOOOOOO scary; I'd be crying too! Glad he was ok and you found him quickly.