Wednesday, July 15, 2009

potty training-almost 2 weeks later

i am really glad we did this intensive 3 day training. i would say townsend has it down pretty well. he's had a few accidents-when he was running a fever and on motrin i changed his sheets 4 times by 1am-but keeps dry all day and even goes to the bathroom without telling us. sometimes he doesn't get his pants pulled down all the way so.... but overall we are very proud of him. and so excited he is diaper free. i wish i would have done this months ago but no sense thinking about that now.
now ellory is a different story. she was the one who already went on the potty. would tell us when she needed to poopoo. we can't tell if she is willfully not telling us-and then peeing on the floor-or if she just doesn't "get it." i kinda suspect the former. she can certainly hold her bladder. she'll go all day without going on the potty. refuses to. makes me so mad. we have decided that we need to go back to the beginning again. making it a big deal when she goes. giving her treats. we'll see. stinker. but even she is doing well. she has woken up dry everyday except for 2. and is diaper free. yippee! i'm looking forward to training marin now. how awesome will that be to not have any diapers to wash?

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