Friday, December 18, 2009

pottytraining school dropout

well, we finally threw in the towel after 6 days. there were many many towels actually. to clean up the many many messes. on day 3 marin used the potty two or three times and i thought it was going to click. but days 4, 5 and 6 were disasters. and we had company, our friend mary, starting on day 5 so she had to endure it all too. sorry mary! we decided that we couldn't take marin to the rolfs for thanksgiving with her peeing all over the place so i had a talk with marin and we put her back in diapers. i felt so defeated. but much less stressed. : ) note to self-do not try to potty train within a month of any holiday.

1 comment:

Bekah said...

thanks for the advice. maybe we will wait on sam until a good month after Christmas and traveling. you are not a failure! love your tree!