Monday, March 15, 2010


last year we were so bummed when our wonderful babysitter, olivia, decided to move to california. (she's since moved back actually!) but i started praying for a new babysitter and one day was talking with my friend julie and she told me about a friend's daughter who babysat. i got the number and called emily. she agreed to babysit one thursday night during our small group. i was so thankful on many accounts. one blessing is that although she is not old enough to drive, her family lives 2 minutes from our house. so that first time was in august or september and here we are in march, going strong. the kids love her and literally scream when she walks in the door. there have a been a couple of times that emily has put one of the kids in time out and i'm so glad she feels comfortable enough to just take control. she's learned all the routines so norton and i can just leave as soon as i've picked her up. we are so grateful we found her! thank you miss emily!!

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