Monday, May 17, 2010

coco? and other marin funnys

for some reason marin has gotten into the habit of calling people "coco." it's kinda funny. she'll see daddy in the morning and say, "hi, coco!" sometimes she calls herself "coco." or me or the other kids. and she seems to have a sense of humor about it all. i think she understands what "teasing" is now.
3 days ago, while daddy was in north carolina with townsend, marin found one of norton's ear plugs. they are the squishy kind. kinda like a nerfball. she started putting it in her mouth and i told her to stop. i turned around and the next thing i knew, marin was standing in front of me with her mouth wide open. smiling. i asked where the earplug was and she pointed to her mouth. of course it wasn't there. i called norton's dad-a doctor and my sister-a nurse. they both said that it wasn't a big deal. it would pass through. but if she didn't have a bowel movement for several days then we might need to call the doctor. well, today was day 3 with no poop. and marin goes every day! i called my sister and we were talking about the situation. i was going to give it until the morning and then call the doctor if nothing appeared. i don't know if marin subliminally understood our converation or what. but when i got off the phone i went to change her diaper and lo and behold, there was the ear plug. :) i thought about taking a picture for the blog and all but decided that even 20 years from now, the kids probably won't want to see that.

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