Tuesday, June 22, 2010

potty training marin-take two

six months ago we tried to potty train marin. didn't work. not even close. i had been starting to feel like it was time to try again and as her diapers were running out i decided that when that happened, into the panties she would go. so on saturday, june 19th, we woke up marin, took off her last diaper and sat her on the potty. nothing happened. so we put her panties on and told her to start peepeeing on the potty. by about noon she had peepeed everywhere except the potty and was on panty #15. i put her down for a nap and was very discouraged. we had a busy sunday planned and i just didn't have the energy to keep going. norton encouraged me to decide how long i was going to give her and be patient. i decided she had the rest of the day to show even an ounce of improvement. well, something happened during that nap. from the time she woke up she has been peepeeing on the potty and even pooped once. i have not had to clean up any messes and she wakes up dry from naps and nighttime. now if we let her lay too long in bed after waking up she might wet her underwear but overall she has been amazing!!!! i am so happy. she is so cute in her little underwear. maybe i should be sad that our "baby" is growing up. but in this case i'm not. i am happy, happy, happy, happy, HAPPY! yea, marin!

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