Saturday, February 26, 2011

a little treat?

norton was out of town at a conference this week. so mommy decided to relax a few of the "rules" around here. i let them all drink their milk in sippy cups on the couch in the morning. i let them eat their breakfast on the couch while they watched "dinosaur train." just a few little things like that. and i always prefaced everything with, "this is a little treat for you!"
this next part might seem a little off topic, but keep reading.
about a month ago i finally decided to buy some of those disposable wipes to use on the kids when they go number two. too many times, the kids would be getting red bottoms because they would wipe themselves and not do a good job. so the rule was, "tell mommy when you go poo-poo so i can wipe your bottom." a couple of days ago townsend was in the bathroom going number two. i tried to wait for him to finish-sometimes he's on there quite awhile-to wipe his bottom but suddenly i had to go too! so i told him that i was just going to give him the wipe and he could do it himself. he replied, "kinda like a treat for me?" maybe you had to be there. but it was funny. :)

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