Friday, October 2, 2009

townsend's first day at preschool!

once again, these pictures are not quite in order. i'm trying to catch up on blogs and going too fast i guess.
anyway-there is a church right by our house that has a well recommended preschool. so back on FEBRUARY 4 (!!!) i waited in LINE to sign townsend and ellory up for SEPTEMBER 9! i could only sign up for one day so they both had mondays and we were on a wait list for a second day for both. a few days before preschool started i got the call saying that there was an opening on tuesdays for townsend's class. since the first monday in september is labor day there wasn't any school but townsend started the next day. (which is why it wasn't also ellory's first day) townsend does really well at school. he loves to hang up his backpack. put away his lunchkit and search for his nametag. his class is the crocodile class. i think he's a pretty shy little guy in class. but his teachers always seem to love him. :)
on another note-the following week we got the call that there was an opening on tuesdays for ellory's class. so now i have only marin for 4 hours on monday and tuesday mornings. you can do so much with only one child! (of course i didn't think that for the 5 months we had only townsend-i guess it's all perspective.)

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