Monday, May 17, 2010

ellory and bedtime

i guess i should have known it would happen at some point. our little angel, ellory, whom we could just lay down in bed and she would go right to sleep has finally decided that sleep isn't quite as wonderful as it once was. she hasn't tried the old, "i need a glass of water" trick. but that's because we cut her and townsend off of any beverage a couple of hours before bedtime. (it's worked really well to pretty much cut out nighttime accidents.)
no. ellory just wants me to sing extra songs. or give her a million kisses. or hug her again and again. and she clings to me saying, "gotcha!" then she wants an animal that i haven't seen in weeks and have no idea where it would be. she tries crying too. i guess i should be thankful for the hundreds of nights where she went down so easily.
also, she and marin now like to chat after i have closed the door. it used to just be marin doing the talking but now we hear ellory in there too. part of me thinks it's cute. two girls in a room together? of course there will be talking. but then again, i do want them to get their appropriate amount of sleep. we usually let them talk for awhile but if it gets too loud or too long norton stands outside their door and says, "shhhh!" then we hear marin go, "daddy say shhh!" no matter who does the shhshing she always thinks it's daddy. :)


MomInProgress said...

I love how you document life, Janis! Your kids will love this when they are older. We need to get serious about summer camping plans - and I want to hear how it went a couple of weeks ago. :)

Unknown said...

Love, love, love all your posts. Now, if I could just get on my own blog and make some post that would be great. :) Miss you guys.