Sunday, January 30, 2011

marin turns 3!

dear mare-bear,
i think out of all the kids, you have changed the most over the last twelve months. everyone who met you this past year couldn't believe you were only 2 years old. i'm sure having two slightly older siblings has encouraged you to try to keep up with them. and you have done a pretty good job at it too!
some highlights of your year:
1. you pottytrained!!! a couple of months after you turned two, you decided you wanted to wear big girl panties. we were so glad.
2. you got a big girl bed! we moved ellory back into the girl's room after buying a bunkbed. i was hoping that the nice, comfy larger bed would keep you asleep longer. nope. still up by 6:15am.
3. you love to memorize God's Word and amaze us with how much you can remember. even the references!
4. you have such high energy. you talk and bounce around from the moment you get up-6:15am-until you go to bed-7pm. wh0 do you get this from? daddy and i cannot figure it out. we get tired just watching you.
5. you are sooooo compassionate. when you hear anything remotely like a cry, you are immediately concerned and trying to help whoever is upset. "there, there, it's ok!"
6. you love most foods. except carrots. and broccoli. and cheese. (unless it's spicy-then you love it.)
7. you can sit for long periods of time reading books with whomever will read to you.
8. you continue to show your balance and coordination on the skuut bike.
9. you LOVE caillou! (pbs kid's show)
10. you have started becoming more huggy and snuggly.
11. you have pretty much dropped your nap. every once in awhile you'll fall asleep but not usually. again, how can you keep going on only 11 hours of sleep a day?
12. you have a will. a strong one. mommy and daddy are tired. sometimes you win.
13. you get so excited for things. like your third birthday. i don't remember the other two talking so much about their birthdays. but you were convinced that there was going to be a big party with all your friends. we didn't have a party but we did take you roller skating and paige and taylor came with a present.
14. you say things like, " i love ellory. she's my sister." "townsend, you're my big brother."
15. your hair has grown enough now that no one asks, "what's HIS name?" anymore. :)
16. you are in the 90% for weight! and the 75% for height. i was concerned about the weight but the doctor said that with the height being what it is, he wasn't worried. and the fact that you jump around from morning till night. :)

marin, you are one of a kind. so special. we love you baby girl.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Janis, You have understated about her will!!! I love to read to her whenever we visit....we read approximately 500 books....50 different ones at 10 times each!

Paw Paw