Saturday, October 11, 2008


earlier this week a friend emailed on my birthday and asked if i had been allowed to "sleep in." i had to write back, "no." not because norton didn't say i could, but i just love seeing the kids first thing in the morning. now by 7pm i'm ready for them all to go to bed, but when one of them starts calling out at 6:30am i am ready to get up and go to their rooms. marin is usually on her tummy with her hands on the rails trying to pull up. she is so happy when we get her out of bed. ellory usually jumps right up when the door opens still looking a bit sleepy with her hair going every which way. yesterday she had one arm out of her shirt and i wondered how long she had been that way. townsend also usually jumps up when the door opens. then he quickly bends down to grab his whale, baby whale, and blankie. they are just so especially cute in the mornings.

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