Wednesday, October 15, 2008

townsend's 2nd birthday-3 months ago

townsend celebrated his 2nd birthday at preschool on july 15, 2008. since pinatas are popular at birthdays in guatemala, we decided to do one for his class. of course the thought of 2 year olds swinging a bat did not sit well so we found a bull pinata that had ribbons hanging down to pull. one of the ribbons held a piece of cardboard over the opening so when that ribbon was pulled all the goodies would fall out. i also decided that parents would probably not appreciate us loading their kids up with candy right before pick up time so i filled the pinata with balls, cars, etc. i think it went over pretty well. the kids liked pulling the ribbons and i had a clue as to "the" ribbon and made sure that one was not pulled until the very end. townsend pulled the last ribbon and we started shaking out the toys. one little boy got a horrified look and started yelling, "no! stop!" i don't know if he thought the bull was real and we were ripping it apart or what. but it was kinda funny. also, after everyone had grabbed all the toys another little guy came up and asked me, "where's the cake?" a kid after my own heart. :) we love you townsend and we are so thankful that you are our son.

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