Friday, January 30, 2009

happy 1st birthday,marin!

i meant to write this on your birthday but just never did. you are now 1 year old! we cannot believe it. we spent part of yesterday looking at the pictures and video of when you were born. you actually weren't that interested-just wanted to push buttons on the computer. aunt susu was here, of course, with lots of presents. she made you a cake which you did really well at destroying. townsend decorated it. he was so proud. although he kept saying that it was his party too. the day after your birthday daddy and i took you to the doctor for your 1 year checkup. we really like the new doctor here in denver. you weigh 22lbs 3oz which is the 70%. you are 30in tall which is the 75%! and you still have a little head-30%. you are a very on-the-go kinda girl. always crawling or now walking around. you like to open doors, drawers, cabinets, etc. for some reason you like getting into the trash and pulling out what we have put in there. when we play peek-a-boo you get the best belly laugh going-it cracks us up. :) you love to eat! sometimes i can't put the food down on your plate fast enough. you aren't much into sleeping. you'll do it, but you usually make a little fuss when we put you down. we love your smile and are so glad that you are usually a happy girl. 3 years ago a doctor did tests on mommy and said that we would never have "you." but God had other ideas about that. we are so thankful for our precious marin ann.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Praising God for your sweet little miracle! :) (All of them, really.)