Monday, January 12, 2009

snow day!

this morning norton and i woke up to a few wonderful things. first of all, townsend had not started calling out for mommy at 6:09am like he usually does. we walked up the stairs around 6:45am and all was quiet in the house. that was a huge gift in and of itself. but then to make things even more wonderful we looked out the windows and it had been snowing all night and was still snowing! the forecast yesterday said around 1-2 inches. well we were already way past that and it kept snowing until about 10:30am. it probably snowed around 5 inches. the kids started waking up at 7am and we let them look outside. then we bundled them all up and took them out to play. townsend and ellory loved walking around and playing with daddy. marin just hung out in daddy's arms. mommy took pictures. it was just a perfect start to the day.

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