Saturday, February 6, 2010

marin's mouth

last night we went out for mexican food. the waitress set down the chips and salsa and we immediately dug in. daddy tasted the "mild" salsa and determined that it was too hot for the kids. townsend and ellory were fine with that but marin is all about the "dip." i tasted the salsa and it did have a kick. marin was about to have a fit so i put just a bit on her chip. she i licked it off and wanted more. that's how she does "dips." she dips and licks. and never actually eats the dipping object. until we say, "bite!" she probably ate 1/3 of the salsa. and never a word about how spicy it was. we finally had to put the chips on the seat out of her sight. after we had finished eating there was a lime on the plate from my dinner. marin saw it and started eating it too. she made a couple of faces at first but kept on biting into the lime like it was no big deal. i guess she takes after bamaw. :) i need to start bringing the camera along to record these things.

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