Saturday, July 9, 2011

103.4 degrees

Quick update from Norton. Wednesday night I had a temperature of 103.4. Lots of chills and a terrible head-ache, and whole body-ache. I've been taking fever-reducers, but it took a while for them to do anything. On Thursday morning, I couldn't move. Hadn't slept at all the night before and the fever was still around 102. On one hand, it's pretty clear that I've probably got the flu. I'll just keep resting, drink lots of liquids, and try to keep the fever down. On the other hand, we're in the middle of nowhere. The only "good" hospital/clinic for foreigners is 3 hours away. And there really isn't any counting on 911 in this part of the country if you need it. So it's natural to start thinking, "what if I have pneumonia or typhoid fever or malaria?" Highly doubtful, but when good medical help isn't readily available, it certainly changes the way you think about things.

Update: It's early Saturday afternoon and my fever has come down to about 99/100 and I feel much better (thanks to Ambien and Ibuprofen!) I'm still pretty worn out and my body is achy and I have a really bad cough (which I think is allegies since it started 1 hour after we got of the plane and seems unrelated to the sickness.) But overall, I'm feeling a lot better. The elders of Antonio's church prayed for me, and all the kids were praying too. Thanks for any of you who happened to be joining them.

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