Saturday, July 9, 2011

gt update july 3-6

july 3, 2011, Sunday, day 3 continued

We hopped on the back of antonio’s truck around 4pm and headed to san Pablo for church. Their church starts at 5pm just like our church. Cata motioned for us to sit in the front row and at some point during the service Antonio talked about us and then everyone clapped. Who knows what he said. :) we sang a couple of songs all together and then a group of kids got up and sang. Then a group of women. Then a group of men. Don’t know if they always do that. One thing I noticed. Guatemalans may be quiet in general but not during a worship service! Those women sang sooo loud. Even the one using the microphone. They really belt it out. And Antonio preached pretty loudly also. Marin kept asking, “why is Antonio yelling?” about halfway through, marin needed to go to the potty. We walked out the back and there were a bunch of kids playing there. They just stared at marin and then came up and were touching her hair and skin. Marin was like a statue. I don’t think she knew what to do. I told her that they probably didn’t see children with blonde hair and fair skin too much. It was kinda cute. After the service we headed back home where cata made dinner and then it was almost 9pm! I thought for sure the kids would sleep later the next morning after all the activity during the day and no nap.

July 4, 2011, Monday, day 4

Guess how late the kids slept in?? 6am! Why was I not too surprised? We got up and took showers and ate mosh again for breakfast and were basically into our day before 8am. Kinda makes for a long day. Norton left for his first day of Spanish classes and I helped cata clean dishes and did some “school work” with the kids. I got a call from Norton around 8:15am saying that the school had too many students and not enough teachers so he was going to have to wait until tomorrow to start. So this week he’ll go Tuesday thru Saturday. He came on home and we piddled around a bit and then left to go walk down to the “gringo” part of san pedro to have lunch and meet with a lady we’ve been in contact with who does work in san Pablo. Antonio and cata live at the very top of san pedro and the gringo part is all the way near the edge of the lake. Nice to walk down. We weren’t sure how the kids would do coming back up. We ate at the place where Norton had been before. Three tacos for 10 quetzales (a little over a dollar) it was pretty yummy. Then we got the kids some ice cream and found a coffee shop to wait for our friend. the kids had colors and paper and really did pretty well considering they had to stay put for so long. Marin fell asleep on norton’s shoulder during the whole meeting. She was so tired. Afterwards we started the long walk up to the house. The kids kept wanting to ride a tuk tuk again but we encouraged them and they made it back. So proud of our little guy and gals. They have transitioned pretty well overall. Some fighting but also using their imaginations to make up games. Although I sometimes feel so out of place, they have not complained about how different it is or anything. Today when townsend asked me a question, I answered, “si” (yes). He said, “say yes!” I think he was tired of the whole Spanish thing at that moment. :)

July 5, 2011, Tuesday, day 5

just some highlights-there's a group of high schoolers who are here to do some work with Antonio in San Pablo. we met them this morning at breakfast. we will be having breakfast and dinner with them for the next few weeks. Cata is cooking. I'm helping. Or at least trying to. :) after breakfast this morning i took the kids to a "park" where there is a fountain with some big fish and turtles swimming around. while we were there i noticed the back of a woman who looked like my spanish teacher, ana maria. from five years ago. it was! we talked for a bit and then made plans for me to go to her house for an hour in the afternoons for spanish lessons. she was ready to start today so i went up to her house around 3pm and we began. she is such a great teacher for me. her sense of humor fits mine and we have a great time. it ended up being more like two hours. i'm so glad we could work out for me to get a little bit of classes in. norton signed townsend up for classes at his school during the third week that we are here. there was a family with a five year old daughter who was taking classes and they told norton that it was going well so we decided to let townsend give it a shot.

July 6, 2011, Wednesday, day 6

pretty routine day. breakfast with the mission group. marin has latched on to one girl who is from boulder, colorado. they were both coloring away this morning. i don't think marin will leave her alone now. after breakfast i took the kids back to antonio's house. (we've been doing the meals at cata's parents house) i spent some one on one time with each kid doing some workbooks that i brought. norton came home for lunch and then i left for my spanish class. when i got back norton had a headache and fever. i gave him some advil and then the kids and i walked down to dinner. right after everyone had finished, the power went out. i think it's pretty typical. it had been raining alot today. we walked back to the house where i am now. fortunately the power just came back on. i don't like that norton is sick. we seem so far removed from everything. no internet to find out what he might have. or to email the doctor. and i think about how these people have lived like this always. the last couple of days antonio had a headache but he just went about this business. no laying down to rest. or at least i didn't see him do that. kinda different. norton and i are a bit concerned about ellory. she just seems so anxious or something. she always wants to be right by mommy. this morning i got some bottles of bubbles and we went to play with some kids next door. townsend and marin ended up running around with the kids but ellory just stayed on the porch blowing bubbles with me and the other mom. it doesn't necessarily surprise us, but we want her to enjoy this trip and are trying to think about how we can help her have more fun.

pics to come soon...

1 comment:

Aunt Su-Su said...

Give my babies kisses from Aunt SuSu! Praying that no one else gets sick! Love you!